No. 124/PMK.04/2007




That in order to implement the provision of Article 6A Law No. 17/2006 concerning Amendment to Law No. 10/1995 concerning Customs, it is necessary to stipulate regulation of the Minister of Finance concerning Registration of Importers:

In view of:


Regulation of the Minister of Trade No. 31/M-DAG/PER/7/2007 concerning Importer's Identity Number (API);


To stipulate:


Article 1

In this regulation:

Article 2

(1) To enable importers to fulfill customs obligations, the importers shall register to the Directorate General of Customs and Excise.

(2) Importer registration as described in paragraph (1) shall be done by importer by submit application to the Director General through electronic media.

(3) Application as described in paragraph (2) shall be done by filling the completing form as stipulated in Attachment I to this regulation.

Article 3

(1) Customs and Excise Official shall examine the truth of the data of form as described in Article 2 paragraph (3).

(2) The examination as described in paragraph (1) shall cover administrative examination and site inspection may be executed.

(3) The examination as described in paragraph (1) shall examine the truth of:

Article 4

The completing form as described in Article 2 paragraph (3) shall be evaluated in accordance with the evaluation standard as set by Director General.

Article 5

(1) Director General can accept or reject application of importer registration in 30 (thirty) working days after received complete and truth data of form as described in Article 2 paragraph (3).

(2) In case application of importer registration is accepted, Director General give NIK that is sent by letter of registration result as stipulated in Attachment II of this Regulation of the Minister of Finance.

(3) In case application of importer registration is rejected, Director General give rejection notification of application of importer registration with clear reason through electronic media.

(4) NIK as described in paragraph (2) shall apply throughout all the customs offices.

Article 6

(1) In case of any change in data related to existence and/or identity of management and personnel in responsible in the completing form as described in Article 2 paragraph (3), importers already securing NIK shall notify the change in writing to the Director General.

(2) in connection with the change in data not related to existence and/or identity of management and personnel in responsible in the completing form as described in Article 3 paragraph (3), importers already securing NIK may notify the change in writing to the Director General.

(3) In case of any change in the data as described in paragraph (1) dan paragraph (2), customs and excise officials shall undertake examination and re-evaluation.

(4) if result of examination and re-evaluation as described in paragraph (3) being already in accordance with the notification as described in paragraph (1) and paragraph (2), Director General or appointed officials shall change the data and give notification to the importer.

Article 7

In the interest of supervision, customs and excise officials may re-examine data about importers already securing NIK in the completing form as described in Article 2 paragraph (3) at any time.

Article 8

The Customs Identity Number as described in Article 5 paragraph (2) may be blocked if:

(2) Director General send notification of blocking as described in paragraph (1) to the importer with clear reason.

Article 9

The blocked customs identity number as described in Article 8 paragraph (1) can be re-activated if:

Article 10

(1) NIK as described in Article 5 paragraph (2) may be revoked if:

(2) Director General send notification of revocation as described in paragraph (1) to the importer with clear reason.

(3) Copy of notification of revocation as described in paragraph (1), is sent to the agency issuing API/APIT.

Article 11

Provision on the obligation to register importers as described in Article 2 paragraph (1) shall be in exceptional for importers fulfilling customs obligation related to:

Article 12

Fulfillment of customs obligations by importers not yet securing NIK may be served for one time import customs declaration after securing approval from heads of customs offices.

Article 13

Director General will stipulate further provisions of registration of importers.

Article 14

Notification of importer registration already owned by importers before the enforcement of this regulation shall be applied as NIK following the enforcement of this regulation.

Article 15

This Regulation of the Minister of Finance shall come into force as from December 1, 2007.

For public cognizance, this Regulation of the Minister of Finance shall be promulgated by placing it in the State Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia.

Stipulated in Jakarta
on October 5, 2007